I have posted the same question on salesforce.stackexchange.com below is the link
But in the comments people suggested this is not much related to salesforce it is more of a Javascript thing so I am posting the same here, please take a look and suggest from html and js point of view.
HTML syntax seem different as it is lightning web component of salesoforce not angular
in the below html code I am iterating 2 lists linItemData(11 records) and studyData(20 records)
<table class="slds-table slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_bordered">
<tr class="slds-line-height_reset">
<template if:true={studyData}>
<template for:each={studyData} for:item="sData">
<th key={sData}>
<div class="tablename slds-p-bottom_medium"></div>{sData.Visit_Name__c}
<template if:true={lineItemData}>
<template for:each={lineItemData} for:item="sLineItem">
<tr key={sLineItem}>
<template for:each={studyData} for:item="sData">
<td key={sData.Id}>
<lightning-input variant="label-hidden" class="fieldSize" type="number" step="0.01"
label="visitValue" data-key={sData.Id} onchange={visitValueChange} placeholder="00.00">
and I am getting an expected result with all the required input fields on the UI like below:
now I need to fetch the input value for all v20s for example for v1 (first column name)should have array of 11 input records.
JS is as below:
visitValueChange(event) {
.find(item => item.Id === event.currentTarget.dataset.key)
.visitValue = event.target.value;
I have tried everything I could but the visitValue can hold only the 1 recent value for example if I add 1 on first input field, two on 2nd, three on 3rd and so on after that I hit a button which is calling a JS function to see the studyData array but it has only the recent value which is 3 not all 1,2 and 3 values entered and the requirement is to have an array of all the input values added on all the 11 input fileds for all the columns. Please help me to suggest any workaround for the same.