There's one site, where without ads you cannot view the content. I tried Anti-Ad Blocker already, but scripts made all links unusable.
I tried writing Greasemonkey script to hide those few ads by hand, but so far it doesn't work (and I have no idea why).
// ==UserScript==
// @name Hide annoying shinden ads
// @include*
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
var div = document.getElementById("banner-outer");
if (div) { = "none";
And element I want to delete:
<div id="banner-inner" style="transform: matrix(0.99999, 0.00087, -0.00087, 0.99999, 0, 0);">
Also sometimes different div appears out of random, that blocks whole site:
<div style="position: fixed; display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; inset: 0px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); z-index: 300000;"></div>
I don't know how to remove it, as thus it doesn't have an ID.
P.S Site is as follows: