I want to compare two arrays and if they are equal, add a new attribute to html.
First my html
<ul class="checkout__delivery-collect-shoplist" data-bind="foreach: currentOptions ">
<li class="checkout__delivery-collect-shop js-delivery-item active">
<h6><em data-bind="text: label">Name1</em></h6>
<li class="checkout__delivery-collect-shop js-delivery-item">
<h6><em data-bind="text: label">Name2</em></h6>
First I am creating new array with text
var arr = [];
jQuery('em[data-bind="text: label"]').each(function() {
Also, I have another array with text
var Managerss = Manager.GlobalData[2].options
Managerss.filter(x => x.payment_checkmo === '1').map(x => x.label);
It will give
["Name1", "Name2"]
0: "Name1"
1: "Name2"
length: 2
__proto__: Array(0)
So I first need to compare these arrays and if this true create new attribute data-payment = '0'
to li.class checkout__delivery-collect-shop js-delivery-item
Example what I want
<ul class="checkout__delivery-collect-shoplist" data-bind="foreach: currentOptions ">
<li class="checkout__delivery-collect-shop js-delivery-item active" data-payment='0'>
<h6><em data-bind="text: label">Name1</em></h6>
<li class="checkout__delivery-collect-shop js-delivery-item" data-payment='0'>
<h6><em data-bind="text: label">Name2</em></h6>