I'm trying to write a small function for another script that pulls the generated text from "http://subfusion.net/cgi-bin/quote.pl?quote=humorists&number=1"
Essentially, I need it to pull whatever sentence is between < br> tags.
I've been trying my darndest using regular expressions, but I never really could get the hang of those.
All of the searching I did turned up things for pulling either specific sentences, or single words.
This however needs to pull whatever arbitrary string is between < br> tags.
Can anyone help me out? Thanks.
Best I could come up with:
html = urlopen("http://subfusion.net/cgi-bin/quote.pl?quote=humorists&number=1").read()
output = re.findall('\<br>.*\<br>', html)
EDIT: Ended up going with a different approach all together, simply splitting the HTML in a list seperated by < br> and pulling [3], made for cleaner code and less string operations. Keeping this question up for future reference and other people with similar questions.