I have the following group of toggle-buttons:
<div *ngFor="let minute of state.minutes.specificMinutes.selectedMinutes | keyvalue">
<div class="btn-group btn-group-toggle">
<label class="btn btn-secondary" ngbButtonLabel>
<input type="checkbox" (click)="state.minutes.subTab='specificMinutes'"
(ngModelChange)="state.minutes.specificMinutes.selectedMinutes.set(minute.key, $event)"
(change)="setCronMinutes()" ngbButton>{{minute.key}}
The problem is that the buttons view reloads everytime i change something, which results in annoying flickering like seen in this gif.
This is caused by
(ngModelChange)="state.minutes.specificMinutes.selectedMinutes.set(minute.key, $event)"
But is there a way to keep that functionality without that flickering?